Sol Adventurers Foundation, Inc.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower disenfranchised youth globally to discover their gifts, share them with the world and gain strength through reconnecting with their community. Experiencing music, arts, permaculture and exploration of cultural roots all combine to help them unearth their gifts and become sustainable. We honor our elders by giving them the opportunity to pass their wisdom, cultural arts and traditions to the youth to carry forward to the next seven generations. We offer programs in California and Jamaica and we are developing programs in St. Croix and Belize.


It all starts with love and compassion. Express your love for disenfranchised youth globally. Love heals all things.


Mentor a Child! Empower an Orphan! Raise Funds! Travel with a Purpose!


Donate today via Paypal, Bitcoin, Checks or Credit Card on a one time or recurring basis. Donate in-kind goods.


Jamaica Program

Sol Adventurers has been offering empowerment and enrichment programs to orphans and at-risk youth in Jamaica since 2007. We are based in Montego Bay, St James, Jamaica and have worked in children's homes across the North coast in areas most others are not able to reach. We are currently focusing most of our efforts on Sister Jackie's House of Love near Brownstown, St Ann.  We offer volunteer vacation and retreats in Jamaica so that you can show your love for the youth and empower them face-to-face.

Los Angeles Program

Sol Adventurers Foundation has offered successful garden programs in the Los Angeles area since 2005. Our main program was based in the Crenshaw Community Garden, where the youth were guided to discover their roots, plant, nourish, blossom and bloom while learning about gardening, their gifts, drumming, performance, permaculture, sustainability, and a healthy diet. We collaborated with the Los Angeles Unified School District, Food not Bombs, Agape International Spiritual Center, and Mid-City Neighborhood Council.

Mount Shasta Program

Sol Adventurers has been offering gardening and drumming programs in the Mt Shasta area since 2013. Our headquarters is currently based in Mt Shasta and includes a garden on-site. We offer classes and play shops, and mentoring while creating an environment where we can share our gifts with the community. We have collaborated with Pops Performing Arts Center in Dunsmuir, Weed Elementary School Garden, Siskiyou Arts Bus and Siskiyou Arts Council.

Florida Program

Sol Adventurers is developing programs in Florida. We are kicking this off with Smile for a Child Campaign.  Our artist in residence, Bushlife following an illness was inspired to create Smiley Face Paintings. Look forward to an online auction of these paintings in the near future to raise funds to get tablets for educational purposes for youth in need in Jamaica. We are planning a youth gathering aimed at helping youth create smiley face art to help other youth. 


Get in Touch


Find us at the office:

111 McCloud Ave.
Suite C
Mt Shasta, CA 96067

Email us:

Call us:

  Roseanne Ware

Contact Us