Yashieka Fearon, a young lady from Manchester, Jamaica joined Sol Adventurers’ mentoring program. As we learned her story we knew we needed to do what we could to help. Yashieka graduated top girl in her class, attaining all straight A’s and a full scholarship to her #1 choice school, Howard University. This is an amazing accomplishment but when I first was connected with Yashieka she was sad and anxious. Her tuition was taken care of by her scholarship but $21,990 was still due for room & board, meal plan, books, visa, transportation and personal expenses. Her family did not have the money and she had no idea if she was going to be able to go to school. We decided to do a GoFundMe campaign for her regardless of the pandemic and the challenging times people are in right now. Within two weeks, we had exceeded our goal! Yashieka became a Jamaican celebrity overnight appeared all over Instagram and Twitter and has so many following her story. She appeared on Mission Monday with Denise Isis Miller on Roots FM, TVJ Smile Jamaica, TVJ TalkupYout, RJR, Jamaican Gleaner, Caribbean Buzz, and The Star. It was amazing to see so many of her classmates donating $5 or $10 to help Yashieka get to Howard. Yashieka’s sadness has been replaced by excitement as her dream has become reality. SAF will be mentoring her and doing our best to make sure she has funds to make it through to becoming a Howard Alumni.
Categories: Jamaica Program